The Story: The novel is written in the voice of eighteen-year-old Mary Katherine “Merricat” Blackwood, who lives with her sister and uncle on an estate in Vermont. Six years before the events of the novel, the Blackwood family experienced a tragedy that left the three survivors isolated from the rest of their small village. (Wikipedia)…
Read moreBook Review: Pet Semetary
Stephen King is so prolific that he name is synonymous with American Horror. I doubt there’s no one who couldn’t name one of his works. Or in the least, conjure up movie that was inspired by King. It’s my hope to one day mirror his success. So while your hear, please take a look at…
Read moreBook Review: Zoo by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge
Book Review originally published October 17, 2014 How this got published is beyond me. How Mr. Patterson allowed his name to share any space with this circus is boggling. I picked it up and forced myself to finish, because the concept was unique. Sadly it read too much like a script and was far too…
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