This is my second big leap of faith into taking my dream of being a working horror fiction writer seriously. I see a budding interest for writers like me and for stories that capture the experiences of people who’ve seen the things I’ve seen.
I was born on Halloween in Boston, Mass, but M.J. Cross was born from all the late nights reading Stephen King by the crack of light from my bedroom door. I’m all grown up now and think I got all the frights out of me.
By day, I’m a social worker, which alone comes with its shares of sleepless nights. By night, I let my inner demons fly! I mix suspense and super-naturalism with strong characterization. Like in psychoanalysis, characterization is really important to me. I want that moment where my character senses something moving in the dark to stay with you.
This site will capture my clumsy attempts into this writing biz! You can also read some of my reviews on what was and is popular in the horror genre. There might be a video or two once in a while.
While you’re here, follow me on Twitter (@M_J_Cross) and find me and my first published novella, A Still Small Voice on Amazon Kindle.
Stay Ghoulish.